Cross-Border Harmonized Flood Risk Reduction 2.3 –
Structural Measures in the Drava and Kolpa/Kupa River Basins (FRISCO 2.3)
Under the Cooperation Programme INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia, Priority Axis 1 Integrated Flood Risk Management in Transboundary River Basins, Specific Objective 1.1: Flood Risk Reduction in the Transboundary Dragonja, Kolpa/Kupa, Sotla/Sutla, Drava, Mura and Bregana River Basins, the project Cross-Border Harmonized Flood Risk Reduction 2.3 – Structural Measures in the Drava and Kolpa/Kupa River Basins (FRISCO 2.3) was submitted and approved.
This project is the fourth in the series of projects submitted and approved for EU co-financing under the mentioned Priority Axis:
- Project FRISCO 1: Cross-Border Harmonised Flood Risk reduction 1 – Non-Structural Measures
- Project FRISCO 2.1: Cross-Border Harmonized Flood Risk Reduction 2.1 – Structural Measure Vonarje dam
- Project FRISCO 2.2: Cross-Border Harmonized Flood Risk Reduction 2.2 – Structural Measures in the Mura River Basin
- Project FRISCO 2.3: Cross-Border Harmonized Flood Risk Reduction 2.3 – Structural Measures in the Drava and Kolpa/Kupa River Basins
The project FRISCO 2.3 was approved by the relevant bodies of INTERREG V-A Slovenia-Croatia. The ERDF Co-financing Agreement No. SLO-HR489 was concluded between Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy as the Programme’s Managing Body and Croatian Water as the Lead Partner, on 15.02.2019, thus securing funds for the project financing. Slovenian Water Agency is the Project Partner in the Project FRISCO 2.3.
As part of the project FRISCO 1, a cross-border harmonized study on flood risk reduction in the Drava and Kolpa/Kupa river basins was prepared as a tool to support decision-makers. The first part of the study includes an expert opinion based on analysis of past flood events, field trips and analyses of other available documents, with a series of potential short-term measures to be analysed in the coming phases. Based on the hydraulic models of both rivers improved by these data and the proposed short-term measures, the second phase consisted of a flood analysis of the area using a hydraulic analysis and a hydraulic test of the efficiency of the proposed measures.